Saturday 12th December 2009
Get reFre5hed for Christmas
Saturday 12th December 2009
CLUB 414 [map]
0600 till Late
£5 on the door // FREE if staying on from Puzzle Project
After all the build up and hype, many people flocked to the
414 last month to see one of the all time Godfathers of Hard
Dance return with a mind blowing comeback set. And did he
disappoint? Hell no! Many people commented on that being one
of the best sets they have heard in a long time and they
couldn’t be more right! James Lawson is a Legend, end of!
Many thanks to all the people who came down for the morning,
it was nice and busy and even had some people setting their
alarms especially for it. Also many thanks to Dan Madams for
an equally awesome set, what a great follow on, keeping the
crowd stomping their way through.
This month we bring you the last reFre5h of the year 2009 and
we’d like to thank all our loyal followers for all the support in
what has been such a great year for the party. We’ve had
some great names down and some fantastic mornings which
we intend to carry on through to 2010.
Coming back to 414 this month is a duo who have been making
waves across the scene now for quite a while. They are 2
cousins who have been Djing a total of 25 years between
them. DJs, Producers and Promoters of Shiva Lords of the
Dance, Alex Mac and Zeebra Kid return to showcase their
futuristic, groovy Hard Dance productions. Having played for
many of the top promotions in the UK, including Frantic,
Wildchild, Total Mayhem, Smile and Summit, to name a few all
which have been held at some of the top nightclubs in London
from the Fridge to Ministry of Sound, this duo have been
concentrating on their own production as of late and let me
tell you this… You’re in for a corker!
Also returning to reFre5h this month is IDJ reviewer, DJ,
Producer and now back on board with the Puzzle Project team,
Gordon Darley! Gordon’s knowledge of the Hard House scene is
second to none and always delivers an astounding set keeping
the chunky groove and pace, slowly working you up to a
musical climax which will leave you needing a fresh set of
underwear! Yes that’s right kids, its Darleytime!
All this plus your reFre5h residents Timmy Whiz , Kevsta and
Nicky Hype, playing the very best in underground Hard Dance.
Get reFre5hed for Christmas!!
Saturday 12th December 2009 |
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