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Breaking the Cycle.
Zimbabwe on 28th September 2007
Photos: DR D
Yes, this coming Saturday! Please check out the website www.breaking-the-cycle.org and join us, there are loads of you I'd love to see!
Photos: 2
Photo views: 823
View Ratio: 412
Comments: 1
Submitted: 25-09-2007
Oxford to London Bike Ride.
Country Roads on 8th September 2006
Photos: DR D
The target was 100 miles in a day...and Beentheredonejaxt was finding it tough a mere 30 miles into the ride...
Photos: 1
Photo views: 386
View Ratio: 386
Comments: 10
Submitted: 11-09-2006
Ninja Turtle Training.
An Ashford Forest... on 4th March 2005
Photos: DR D
Swords don't kill dogs, turtles with guns do!! And dogs are dear...
Photos: 10
Photo views: 5,179
View Ratio: 518
Comments: 45
Submitted: 07-03-2005
Riot, Wildchild and Twist...cont...
The End, Heaven and Fire. on 29th August 2004
Photos: DR D
Damn this freak can natter!! And so his tour continues...
Photos: 15
Photo views: 3,145
View Ratio: 210
Comments: 22
Submitted: 31-08-2004
Riot, Widchild and Twist.
The End, Heaven and Fire. on 29th August 2004
Photos: DR D
Themed. Freak must chat to, then take pic of peeps, insuring he is in the pic. Shaky start with some peeps missed out, but went well. I see a few avatar changes ahead. :lol
Photos: 51
Photo views: 6,619
View Ratio: 130
Comments: 52
Submitted: 31-08-2004
Our holiday!
Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Dubai on 3rd August 2004
Photos: DR D
Em and I had a vikked time and took loads of pics, nearly 350Mb worth actually! But we won't bore you with them all (coz they won't fit!), here are a few of my faves...
Photos: 30
Photo views: 3,660
View Ratio: 122
Comments: 11
Submitted: 04-08-2004
Sun Seekers
Brockwell Park on 23rd April 2004
Photos: DR D
Unfortunately I was not there, but heard it was all good fun and fabulously sunny!:cool:
Photos: 32
Photo views: 5,956
View Ratio: 186
Comments: 62
Submitted: 26-04-2004
Beth's Birthday
A pub in Clapham on 17th March 2004
Photos: DR D
Great group gathered to raise a toast to our Beth on her birthday! Cheers!!
Photos: 6
Photo views: 1,892
View Ratio: 315
Comments: 15
Submitted: 18-03-2004
Random Photo's
everywhere on 17th January 2004
Photos: DR D
These are all just coz. Just coz I can't be arsed to catorgorize them...but please, enjoy...
Photos: 12
Photo views: 2,812
View Ratio: 234
Comments: 23
Submitted: 30-01-2004
Mine & Em's, then Riot.
Ours & The End. on 21st December 2003
Photos: DR D
Great all day crack-on at ours, then a few hours at Riot, which was wicked!!
Photos: 24
Photo views: 5,951
View Ratio: 248
Comments: 32
Submitted: 23-12-2003
Doctor Popper's Party
His house on 12th December 2003
Photos: DR D
A good laugh had by all! Thanks to BennyBlanco for the emergency beer!! :thumb:
Photos: 24
Photo views: 5,662
View Ratio: 236
Comments: 23
Submitted: 23-12-2003
Oblivion vs Dirty DJ's
Fridge on 28th November 2003
Photos: DR D
Had a wicked night, thank you to Shaf for free entry!! :thumb:
Photos: 10
Photo views: 2,773
View Ratio: 277
Comments: 15
Submitted: 18-12-2003
Fire on 30th November 2003
Photos: DR D
A bit late, but some nice pics, I think!!
Photos: 9
Photo views: 2,575
View Ratio: 286
Comments: 15
Submitted: 18-12-2003
SE1 on 3rd October 2003
Photos: DR D
Had a wickedly Twisted night, fun had by all!!
Photos: 26
Photo views: 7,197
View Ratio: 277
Comments: 60
Submitted: 06-10-2003
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